The aim of the
Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is to define
requirements to ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of
the raw materials, through environmentally and socially responsible
manufacturing up to labeling in order to provide a credible assurance to
the end consumer. GOTS is recognized as the world's leading processing
standard for textiles made from organic fibers. It defines high-level
environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain
and requires compliance with social criteria as well. Control Union Certifications has pioneered the
first global standard for organic latex: the Global Organic Latex
Standard (GOLS). It is highly regarded, especially in the sleep products
sector. GOLS outlines requirements for latex products made from organic
raw materials, as well as for material from non-organic origins.
The standard addresses criteria for natural rubber from certified
organic plantations (USDA NOP or EU) that is processed at manufacturing
units. To achieve GOLS certification, a product must contain more than
95% of certified organic raw material. The GOLS standard features
permissible limits for harmful substances, emission test requirements
and polymer and filler percentages. Rubber plantations as well as
processing units up to the final retailer are certified according to the
standard. By using transaction certificates at every sale of a product
in the supply chain, traceability from the plantation to the final
retailer is ensured. GOLS establishes a clear path and procedure
on the route from field or farmer level to the certified organic latex
product manufacturer. Among other factors, manufacturers that are given
approval to produce organic products under the GOLS logo have to follow
mandatory social and environmental regulations. This places indirect
responsibility for social and environmental issues on the final
consumer. |