We know that there are three keys to creating a proper sleeping environment:
First, a mattress must offer good base support. This layer keeps sleepers from sagging too deeply into the mattress and ending up in an unnatural hammocked position.
Second, a proper sleeping surface has to include a dynamic layer that lets
the sleeper
control the positioning of his or her midsection. A thin layer of air close
to the surface allows sleepers to adjust the level of support under their
hips up and down to find the natural positions that are just right for sleeping.
This natural position actually reduces stress on the skeletal
systemacirc;#128;#148;and less stress equals better sleep.
Finally, good sleep requires surface comfort. In fact, this might be the most important key to an optimal sleeping environment. The myth that a healthy mattress is a firm mattress has been debunked, and we know now that plush mattresses actually provide the real surface comfort that is essential to good sleep. Unfortunately, traditional plush-top mattresses tend to have issues with breakdown and body impressionacirc;#128;#148;which means that our goal of providing a proper sleep environment is tied to our ability to create a plush, comfortable mattress surface that wonacirc;#128;#153;t break down over time.
With these three elements in mind, our patented box top design provides sturdy base support topped with a low profile air chamber that extends to the outer edges of the mattress and gives sleepers perfect control over sleep posture. This design is crowned with a layer of plush comfort that virtually eliminates surface pressure and stands up to the tests of time.
Dynamic Support System.
Our formula is unique: static support + dynamic posture control + plush surface
comfort = unmatched comfort and durable support that are truly designed to
last for the life of the mattress. Others have tried to match our success
by layering foam over the top of our original 1981 design, but their efforts
only keep the sleeper that much further away from the dynamic layer of air
that helps the sleeper control his or her nighttime posture. At Comfortaire,
we put air at the top to deliver comfort for life.